Wednesday, September 5


finally I can type...
all I did was get ripped up with my sister
on spicy caesars all weekend.
when will we ever learn?


footsack said...

I know it's hard. Ceasars are soooo good.

Becky said...

LOL. Never, I hope.

It was fabulous to get to spend time with you. The caesars were so delicious and I'm so glad you didn't get kept away by... Oh, I don't know... A house of your own to paint, or kids of your own to look after, or any of those things that cramp other people's style.

Anonymous said...

oh.. I got cramps.
big time

Becky said...

Nothing ever happens around here anymore.

Unknown said...

It's been more than a month since your last post. Just thought you should know.
