Friday, August 10


Can you keep a secret?
I think I'm pretty good at it... fort knox.. yep.. that's my lips.
well, sometimes.
Sometimes things are just too juicy not to share,
sometimes things are just too spicy... or funny... and in those cases
I need to share.
then there are those secrets that need to remain in a group of people.
Only a certain number of people should know.

But then I wonder, is it really a secret if I've told someone?
then it becomes 'information'.

But I really hate when someone tells my secrets.
because then I can't CONTROL the information.

What do you think?
Do you tell? or not tell?


Anonymous said...

I'm all for people keeping my secrets, but I don't do to well with keeping others unless it's really important.

I'm a teller, although I don't recommend it. Do as I say not as I do.

This was a pretty deep post Toad. I had no idea you were so....deep.

Anonymous said...

I am a good secret keeper.
That said.. people need to say.. that its a secret. I have been caught sharing things that perhaps someone didn't want said.
But I don't have to be told twice.

Its about loyalty.

that was deep. nice.

Christine said...

Angela you are so funny. LOL LOL LOL I'm so glad you decided to share your secret about how to cook corn. I thought that you would never share this with anybody. Seeing how we are into sharing: everybody should get to once in there life get to see you eat corn on the cob; how you meticulously remove every kernel onto a plate. apply the salt, pepper and butter and then.....gently apply the fork scooping the tender bits to the wildly quivering parted lips and then...YUM....It doesn't get any better when you eat such perfectly cooked corn does it? By the way I am a terrible secret keeper. It is not that I want to share stuff but I usually forget that it is a secret and just blab it all before I know what I am doing. Is it my fault that I am so forgetful?

Becky said...

See? It's not our fault we blab. It's in our genes. Jeans?

footsack said...

I think we all blab even if we know it's a secret. ESPECIALLY if we know it's a secret. We jut can't help ourselves.

Unknown said...

I try to, but sometimes I end up saying things, and then I realize that maybe I shouldn't have said it. And then I ask the person I just said it to to PLEASE not tell anyone.

I wouldn't tell. Because I would feel bad and be afraid that the person would get mad at me. But again, that's just me. As my dad always says, "Don't let fear and common sense hold you back."