Thursday, November 23

Is It a Full Moon?

I am in a really good mood today. When I am in a good mood I like to post. You know, spread my joy to the masses. I need to post fast because you never know when the mood will turn sour.

Perhaps, I'm in a good mood because today is junk food day. The day I reward myself with mounds of food for working since 5:40am till 9pm yesterday. This junk food day isn't really much different from any other day I suppose except that I am conscious of my effort to inhale as much crap as possible. This morning I had a plan, I was going to stock up at the store before work. I went to 2 stores that were both closed. So instead I had to convince Jonny Ross to get me some chips when he's out on deliveries. He can now take part credit for putting me in blissful state you read before you.

So, to celebrate junk food day I am going for lunch at Keo's. When I finish I plan to reek like Thai cuisine curry goodness and be so full I will wish I wore sweatpants. Then I will enjoy a few more icy squares, some choc covered almonds and a big bag of Doritos Zesty Cheese. After work I'm going to enjoy Taco's. Then I will cancel it all out with a trip to muscle sculpt class.

Today is also Grey's Anatomy day. And I heard that its an extra long one for Thanksgiving. I am so thankful.

I just realised that this joyous post could sound quite sarcastic but I assure you, I am happy and it's not me being a smart ass.


Now go! Tell someone you love them with a big smile on your face and then stuff it with food.

So please
baby please
Open your heart
Catch my disease
Ben Lee

(I just checked online, there is no full moon and I have no explanation for this)


Melissa said...

i'm gonna make those pasta roll things again tonight. with more sauce this time though. so you have something to gorge yourself on after muscle sculpt. while watching the extra long greys.

Toad said...


Melissa said... can't complain about what i make. you don't even live here.

Smarmy Boss said...

Yeah you can't really complain about free food. Well actually can. They don't have to care though.

I like spicy pork... huzzah for Keo's.

John said...

My baby, you make me so proud. Actually, you do. Love you.

footsack said...

The thought of eating that much junk food really makes me ill. The Thai curry thing, now that I could fill my face on.

Carol said...

I hope you enjoyed all that you ate.