Tuesday, August 8

Piss on it.

I'm pissy.

Reason: Becky and Glen are currently driving back to Dorkton and I now have to drive out to Mom and Dad's and live there for the rest of their vacation in BC. I just barely got my place the way I want it and now I can't live there and actually enjoy it. So now my days will be get up super early for work because the whole frickin staff seems to have decided to take vacation this week and I have to replace Tips and drive to Saskatoon, then drive to my house and scoop poop and feed my cats that will be living on their own for the duration, then drive to martensville and scoop poop and feed Jonny and Melissa's cats and then clean up whatever carnage that Rosco decided to unfold upon me because he's pissed that mom and dad are gone and no longer getting spoiled rotten. The stupid dog will eat anything and chew anything. After I clean that up and yell at him it should be about 6, feed the stupid dog and make myself some supper and go for a run. Sounds like fun doesn't it. All for the low low price of 40 dollars to try and cover the sky rocket gas prices. Even if I wanted to drive into town I wouldn't because I can't afford to go back and forth. Yeah I'm bitter. I won't be able to go to the gym because I have to rush home everyday to let the stupid dog go piss. I also have to water things. I hate watering things. I hate plants in general and I always kill them. Also there is no frickin food in their frickin fridge so I have to lug groceries there too. Mom and Dad need people who live in Martensville that would watch their dog. Any takers? Any suggestions? It would be so easy to pay some kid from the church to go take care of him and let the little bugger make some summer fun cash. But nooooooooo.


Becky said...

You said piss. And bugger. I'm telling.

Toad said...

lucky, i was gonna say more. i was thinking more in my head.

Unknown said...

I feel for you. I really do. *pats you on the shoulder*

Melissa said...

hey grumpy...it wasn't tv-torrent it was limewire

Toad said...

oh thanks. you guys coming out to shit town tonight?

footsack said...

Angie, although I totally feel for you, this post still made me laugh. You are hilarious. Sorry about all your woes. Hopefully things will look up for you soon....maybe as soon as your parents get back. :)

John said...

Clean up your language you big sucky baby. Any time you want me to stop doing things for you, then let me know, and we will call it even. It seems to me that satans spawn and shyla were at our house for two friggin years, while you could not look after them. They were eating my money and shitting in my money (food and litter) the whole stinking time they were there. I seem to remember you were offered 40 bucks for gas and you said "oh thats lots". And now you whine! I love you too.

Toad said...

yeah yeah yeah. its really not as bad as i thought. i was grumpy that's what a blog is for....to vent. when you coming home. just to let you know i scooped poop and mowed the lawn too. also rosco ate and lost my keys in the back yard and i was late for work today. he ate my keychain.

Carol said...

Wow, John posted while he was on holidays. We were wondering if he was still around, nobody had heard from them in a few days.

Unknown said...

Ha ha, your dad told you off. :P