Monday, August 20

Monday Monday Monday!

Last night I had a dream that all my teeth disintegrated in my mouth. This was very upsetting for me in my dream because it meant I had to go to the dentist. And me, teeth and dentists haven't had a good history. Thankfully I woke up and they are all still in my mouth where they should be.

My hair is looking flat on a day that it would be rather important it co-operate with me.

It took me about 7 tries to start my car this morning.

The person that could cheer me up, is not in.

This is also the person I would ask for a nickel from.

ONE nickel, is how short I am from purchasing my morning coffee.

The instant vanilla presidents choice coffee tastes like a barf and mold mixture.

Instead of printing invoices my printer is printing pages full of this... &$#%#* 33333&$%^##*$($%^($%^&)%^&*(^^^^^^^^^^^^^$)%^($%*^$%&^(%^&%$^()&%$^&($%^#*$(%^$%&^%$*^&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&$)%^(#%$)^&$*###&*&^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I can't get into Accpac.

It's freezing outside but the air conditioning is on. I'm freezing and my fingers are so cold they are stiff and soar when I type, but heaven forbid I turn it off.

My head is full of thoughts and insecurities and I don't like this feeling but I can't turn that off either.

I'm pissy.

I'm gonna go laminate something. Perhaps that will help.

UPDATE: I'm feeling a little better. Mostly because this girl has come online and asked me to go for coffee after the gym. Something to look forward to.


Anonymous said...

okay... I like this one site cause the guy does dream analysis.. here's what he says about your teeth:

Teeth Falling Out

Universal Landscape: The loss of one's teeth implies feeling insecure, unable to "take a bite out of life."

Dreaming Lens: How painful is the experience? How much bleeding is there? Is there a complete lack of sensation? Are the teeth accidentally swallowed? Do you have trouble getting them all the way out? Are they loose? Are all or just some of your teeth affected? Are they crumbling, disintegrating or coming out whole?

Personal Focus: This is a cross-cultural dream that can be found in all human beings. Teeth serve three primary functions: They allow us to process our food so we can nurture ourselves; they express joy when revealed in a smile; and they display aggression when revealed in a snarl. All of these things connect directly to security: food, love and protection. Without these constructs, fear would prevail. This archetype often occurs during a time of transition. There are various levels to the severity of this dream, from a loose tooth to all of them crumbling out of your mouth with volumes of blood. The intensity of the dream will indicate the intensity of the fear of being out of control, looking bad, aging, or any insecurity that you are facing in your unconscious mind.

footsack said...

Hope your day is better tomorrow.
I hate sucky days where all you have to look forward to is going to bed that night so it will be over.

Becky said...

What?!? I thought you already had something to look forward to! Man. You are hard to please. I don't know why some wet and wild fun wasn't enough for you. Sigh.

Toad said...

udpate - i think i got food poisoned. i'm puking.

happy monday.

Carol said...

I say we just skip Mondays, and go right to Tuesday instead.

Christine said...

D. I love you..LOL...LOL...LOL...Oh well its already Friday and I'm always a week or two behind reading posts...probably I am talking to the air and nobody will ever read this. Some day I am going to go back into peoples archives and make all kinds of bizarre comments that no one will ever know about but myself. I think that would be fun. I need to get a life.

Christine said...

Hey... has anybody noticed that I almost always get the last word. Thats because everybody else has already moved on. I must be hopeless.

Smarmy Boss said...

I haven't gone to the dentist in 10 years. They're overrated.