Wednesday, January 10

Let's not and say we did....

Today I'm going to talk about not talking about something.

The weather.

I hate weather talk. I dread it. I hate weather talk more than I hate talking about politics. At least, when I talk about politics I can learn something because I know nothing. When someone comes up to me and says "It's a blizard!" I really have nothing to say. Should I run to the window screaming "No way!"? I've already been outside, I know. I also know that this whole blog about not talking about the wheather while in turn devoting all conversation to it, is a big double standard but I don't care. It annoys me. Where else am I going to say it? The only time I will talk about the weather is if the internet goes down as a result. And even then, I won't blame weather I will trash talk SaskTel.

It annoyed me this morning to see people out jogging while I delivered my papers. Not because I know that they are commited to being an athlete, but because I know they are only out there running in a blizzard just so they can go to work and talk about how they ran in the blizzard to everyone. No one loves running that much. They did it for the soul purpose of having something to say. And everyone will have this response of awe... "Wow you ran out in this? You're crazy!" Lord help us all.

Join the masses of people that will discuss how cold and windy it is, just don't do it with me.

*Becky has sent the pics. I just haven't done anything about it. I'll get to it when I feel inclined. If you can't tell I haven't been feeling inclined to blog lately.

*I hate spell checker.

*I want chips.


Carol said...

Ok, I won't mention the weather.

Did I mention I am a wimp from BC, and I am going to be in SK by tonight?

Did I mention I may also be insane for wanting to come to SK in Jan?

And I am not making any of these statements based on the "W" word.

Anonymous said...

I go running in all kinds of weather.
I'm that kind of gal.
I love it.
and my body, is buff as a result.

Anonymous said...

That's hot.

Anonymous said...

... And yet cold.

Margaret said...

WOW, Ang! You delivered papers during a blizzard?! You're nuts! Way to go!

Toad said...

Aunty Margaret if my hand could reach all the way to BC...I would smack you. lol.

Joyce please don't tease me with talk of you body when I can't have it all to myself. It's torment to my soul.

Toad said...

Your body. Not you body.

Anonymous said...

I kind of like when you said 'you body'...
I thought we were using the African American Gangster lingo that we sometimes resort to when we are trying to turn each other on.
I was mistaken.

I will not speak of my buff bod again if it torrments you.