Monday, December 25

December 25th

I have officially felt the holidays hit me and have now reached ultimate relaxation. Last night I got home, turned on some music and read my book. I read till 2:30am and fell asleep knowing that it didn't matter how tired I felt the next day because I could take a nap whenever I wanted.

This morning we all woke up to go meet Mike at the airport. In proper Braun style we were all late.

Ah, Mikey. Now it's officially Christmas. Everyone is home and safe and happy and ready for fun.

Then I came home. Made some potato pancakes and I'm reading some more in my quiet house with Wintersong in the background. The sun is shining through my window into my bed. My portable heater is clicking in and out and my landlady seems to have went away for the holidays. Ultimate silence. Just what I like. This will refresh me for the insanity and chaos that will ensue tomorrow at my parents house.

Mmmmmmmmm chaos and Ceasars. They go good together don't they?

Merry Christmas everyone! I love you.


John said...

If you add some muscle relaxers into the mix, I can see you and me having a blast.

Becky said...

Get this. Dad bought Mom what we bought them for Christmas. So now we have nothing. Mike and I afre going shopping tomorrow morning. You wanna come? Call us before 8:30 and let us know.

Anonymous said...

aww, that sucks! Good luck with your shopping.
Merry Christmas Angie

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Angie! Have fun... well, today, I guess. :D

Carol said...

I hope your Christmas was great. Glad to hear that Mike made it there safe and sound.

Smarmy Boss said...

Tell them about how you got destroyed in Mario Party... go ahead tell them!

Anonymous said...

no update since the 25th?
I'm tuning in for updates, and disappointed.
hope everything is ok.

Toad said...

Of course everything is ok. I've been busy. Very busy. Hold your horses or hold something I don't care what it is.