Thursday, October 5

Step Level 2

“If confusion is the first step to knowledge, I must be a genius” Larry Leissner

At least a genuis at Step Aerobics anyways.

Last night I wanted to go to an aerobics class. My motivation to actually go to the gym and lift weights and be creative in my workout is very low. The next best thing is to go to an aerobics class. This way I'm forced to to the work out because I'm surrounded by strangers and the opinion of strangers matters to me. This is why I should have stuck with Step Level 1. Step 1 is all about step up and step down, bring a knee up every now and then, march around your stepper a little bit and now lets have a nice long cool down. Good times. I'm a rockstar in Step 1.

Step Level 2 - all done with a confused mouth half open dumb look on face with the occasional giggle because I can't believe I am actually this bad. Thinking in head the whole time "Left foot Ang, Left foot! How can you still not know left from right? Idiot!"

Revolve Door - Right foot on bench, cross over, turning your body as you go, to face opposite direction.

My Revolving Door - Run around the step to the other side because you know that revolving door involves you getting to the other side of the step and maybe you can join back in if you just run around the step. Run you idiot run!

Repeter Knee - pretty straight forward. I like this one, once I get the right knee going I can do this one forever.

Straddle Lunges - somehow get ontop of the step facing sideways then straddle the step and then start doing lunges up and down one on each side. Sounds confusing? I know.

My Straddle Lunges - Just stand on top of the step wait and see which what to face, turn that way now maybe I can get in one lunge by this time and, ok, now its time for the next confusing move.

Lunges - Stand on step facing the front and lunge.

My Lunges - Once I have the right foot going, I can do these forever. However, slamming your foot down onto the loud hollow step to get the right foot going in sequence with everyone else is key. I make sure to make this as loud as possible so everyone looks over checking to see who fell.

X Step - I actually looked this one up. The directions say "Just step and X". Here is the web site that you can find all the step moves.

My X Step - If I can start with the right foot and I'm directly behind the instructor I can sometimes pull this off. Typically, I step wrong spend a while trying to catch back on which totally screws me for the next moves.

L Step - Step up on step, step down on the side of the step, then back up and back to the begining.<;BR< span>>
My L Step - I like the L step when I focus on which side to go on I can do this one.

There were many more. I know these seem pretty basic but the whole time she would say "Now, if you want to make it more advance you and turn and twist and kick and jump" Then she does this fancy L Step with some kind of mambo move and I am staring at her, so my body starts to follow but I have no clue where she is going. Then I have to run back to the step and figure out what's happening next. I am a pillar of grace and style and co-ordination.

Since I spent the whole time not actually doing all the steps I didn't really get that tired and I didn't get much of a work out. My back feels a little stiff, probably from all the tension and focus.

I have learnt my lesson. No more advanced Step 2. At least not until I get some more practise. Where's my cats?


Anonymous said...

Okay.. I WAS going to take you up on the dance moves.. since you so eliquently described them in your last blog.. but then I sat stunned as your true dance nature was revealed in this blasphemous display of step aerobics?
How can I work like this?
If we go on the road,.. you may just have to hold the mic stand and look pretty. Perhaps a tamborine solo... a short.. VERY BRIEF one.. if you aren't naughty.

Margaret said...

I'm glad I read your blog after I tried step arobics. I would have been too confused to go. Thanks for the visual. LOL

Unknown said...

Ummm... wow. I'm pretty much the most uncoordinated klutzy person on the face of this planet. So, now I can see, for me, at least... NEVER do step aerobics. Yipes. Thanks for the heads up.