Wednesday, October 25

Just a Few Things

This weekend I went to see Flag's of Our Father's with Dad and Jonny at the new Galaxy Theater. It's pretty cool in there. I've never been to a nice theater like this before. I didn't really enjoy the 30 minutes of commercials and previews in order to make it to the actual movie. So, next time I will be arriving late and not even fashionably late. Just.....late. But the new fun theater has renewed my desire to go see a movie occasionally. I like that I don't have to cross my fingers every time I see a human mammoth pass in front of me. "Please don't sit in front of me...." *Crosses fingers, eyes, legs and arms. I also like that the seats recline and and there's much more room. That way I don't have to cross my fingers every time I see a human stink bomb machine reeking of sweat and farts coming toward me down the isle. "Please don't sit by me......" *Grabs purse and popcorn getting ready to migrate to the other side of theater. Theaters in general stress me out but I like the whole sound of the music starting up and the lights dimming. Oh wait scratch that. Now there is just the loud noise of commercials. Lots and lots of commercials.

Monday, I dropped Shyla off for her surgery. The vet had a quick look at her before I left. He tried to look at her leg but she had none of that. Turned around and bit him hard. Bleeding hard. His response: "Oh no, my pretty we can't have that" followed by a swift needle in the neck full of sedative. Sigh, my poor cat.

I picked her up yesterday after work. They called my house once and called me at work twice. I was supposed to pick her up at 2pm but pushed it back till 4pm. The whole ordeal came to under 800 which is almost half of what some places were quoting me. She was surprisingly happy to be home and crawled all over me purring. This surprised me because I thought for sure she would be full of hate by now. The medicine has not ended though. Yes, she's on the pain patch but they also want me to give her pain medicine once a day and antibiotics twice a day. These ones don't make her foam at the mouth though. Libby really likes the antibiotics. I have to pretty careful about that. Satan the druggie. She has her whole leg shaved and her two front paws shaved. She also has a part on her chest area shaved where the patch is that is wrapped in a sticky band so it doesn't fall off. She looks like shit. I cringe looking at her little front paws all bruised from the IV and anaesthesia. Then I look at her little swollen back leg and cringe even more. She has a lamp shade that I put on her "just for kicks" yesterday. I'm hoping she will leave her stitches alone and I won't have to use it. I took pictures. I will post them later.

Monday night I went to aqua boxercise. I will never attend again. The term I so lovingly decided to give the aerobics instructor was "Aqua Nazi". Occasionally I would bob over to Mellisa and say "Is this the most boring class you've ever been too?" "She sucks". I actually can't believe I was so bored. She didn't do anything exciting just the same moves over and over. She would demo a kick once and then nothing. Silence. No "keep it up....almost there". While demonstrating she almost fell a couple times which made me giggle. We were then brought to the edge of the pool to do some chin ups. There was some poor overweight girl the aqua Nazi decided to yell at to pull herself up. All I could see was her poor little fingers gripping up onto the edge of the pool. When the Nazi wasn't looking I would slip a leg up onto the ledge and hold myself up secretly so I wouldn't get yelled at. She yelled something at me once. She screamed over her microphone and I said "What!" and I think she thought I didn't want to do the exercise and she yelled at me. I actually meant "What! I can't understand what you are saying because you frickin scream and mumble and I'm so used to doing the same exercise over and over I actually didn't think you were going to do anything else for the rest of the hour". I then responded with a Heile Hitler and made fun of her some more to Mellisa who at the end of the class was thinking that she wishes she could get her money back. I also kind of have a hard time taking instruction from a person who demos and then stands around not doing the exercise. I also have a hard time taking instruction from someone I consider to be in better shape than. Yes, I know this sounds snotty but sometimes I am a little snotty.

This basically catches me up on my week. That is all. Thank you and come again.


Melanie said...

Ahh, that woman must be related to the lady who ran my wedding rehearsal. I have this picture of her in the foreground, waving a swath of papers in the air stating plainly in black and white what a wedding ceremony is "supposed" to look like, and in the background are Peter and his dad and I, all killing ourselves laughing at how seriously she's taking it, and how little I intend to listen to her "suggestions". It's a brilliant picture, I put it in my wedding album just to remember her. Crazy freakin Nazis.

Carol said...

Nice to hear that your cat is home, and is happy to be there. I normally don't take instruction very well, which is why you will never see me in a gym!!

Melissa said...

aahhhh...the aqua nazi.
good times.

Margaret said...

Ang. One thing I can always depend on is you entertaining me with your blog. Hilarious! I look forward to seeing pictures of you kitty. I'm glad to hear she is doing better.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could come watch you do aqua-size. It sounds hot.

Trav said...

wow.... lyle's back and smoother than ever... man dudes got mack power... i bet he's got awesome numchuck skills too...

anyways... on a serious note... i realized last night why horatio fellatio never looks directly at the camera unless he's got sunglasses on... the guy has the biggest brownest puppy dog eyes in history. serious... there's one spot in the opening credits where david carusoe is looking straight forward and he looks like he should have a big, quivering bottom lip and tears rolling down his cheeks... so i guess it's ok that he never looks at the camera... you just couldn't get away with throwing out the kick ass one-liner if it looked like you were doing the puppy dog face... so yeah... go h.

oh yeah... it was a good one last night... he had a couple good one liners

Carol said...

horatio, schmoratio. He needs a chiropractor to get rid of that stupid crick in his neck!!

Unknown said...

HA!! I agree with you, Mom. I can't watch that show because of that guy. I want to smack him with a sackful of nickels everytime I see him. Goontard. The original CSI is way the heck better.

*ahem* Anyway. I'm glad to hear that you're kitty is hopefully going to start doing better soon. Poor thing.

Trav said...

gil grisom looks like an aging gopher... with a beard... and glasses... i'm with ang... miami is better