Friday, September 22

Oranges - The Unpredictable Fruit

I hate buying oranges. I hate eating them. I love the taste but you just never know what you're going to get. I have rarely bought an orange that tastes good. Maybe there's some secrect skill or trick that I don't know. Truth is most of my fruit I buy rock hard and unripe. That's how I like it. Besides orange juice never lets me down so why bother getting your finger nails all full of orange peel? Oranges I've given up on as of today.

Today I ate and orange that had 25 seeds in it. 25. Seriously.

There's a cricket in the office and it's driving me nuts.


Unknown said...

I've never seemed to have a problem with buying oranges, but I don't buy them that often, I usually always get apples or something else. And I cut it into slices without peeling and then just eat it off the little slices of peel. That way there's no peeling, and you can put it in your mouth and make it look like the orange peel is your teeth. Always good fun.

25 seeds? That's a little excessive.

Margaret said...

Maybe you should feed the cricket and orange and it would be quiet while counting the seeds. LOL

Anonymous said...

I also hate peeling oranges except for the Japanese ones. I eat them like Carrie if I do eat them at all which is seldom. Stick to the juice. It is way easier than the fruit. :)
Auntie Mitz

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Angie!! I hope you have a wonderful day and God showers His richest blessings on you today.
Love Auntie Mitz

Toad said...


Trav said...

yeah... happy birthday... did you watch the fight on saturday?? how was it... you should make a post about it

Margaret said...

Happy belated birthday, Angie. I hope Cad Milwork and your family made it special. :)