Tuesday, July 18

Corn Chowder

I wish I could eat a bunch of corn chowder and then barf it up so I could eat more. Does this make me bulemic? No, I don't think so cause its not the weight gain that would concern me....its that it tastes so good. Maybe it would make me a little disturbed in some way. I wish I was a good puker, but I'm not.

Other things I would like to eat and barf up and eat some more of:
1. Auntie Sue's scalloped potatoes
2. Grandma's pickles. I've come close but not close enough.
3. Becky's burrito's
4. Cheese Cake and port. I bet that wouldn't taste too bad coming back up. Double treat!!!
5. I once ate like 12 plums when I was little on the way to visit Uncle Scott and I threw them up.
6. Spitz. I've ate so many that I have thrown them up before but not for the purpose of eating more.
7. Ice Cream Cake
8. Watermellon
9. Nacho's and salsa from Amigos
10. And of course, corn chowder.


Becky said...

LOL. I say it again. What. Is. Wrong with you.

Also, I remember you puking up those plums. It was gross. All over the back of the car and I was sitting back there with you. Gross.

Also, I laughed so hard at this I scared Sam and made him cry. Way to go. Idiot.

Anonymous said...

You say I am the one that is psycho!! I don't get it, you have more issues than I do and I am the one that is psycho? You need to seek professional help!

Toad said...


Anonymous said...

I would take a shower if I could, but unfortuneately I don't have that ability to since no freakin plumbers have called me back. So get used to the smell.

Unknown said...

I've thought of doing that, especially with my dad's cooking. He's incredible. If I didn't bawl like a baby every time I had to throw up, I may consider it. But I think corn chowder is icky. But probably look the same coming up as going down, and smell the same, too. Mmm... cheesecake. Kyle once ate supper too fast on an empty stomach and threw it up right away. He said it tasted just as good both ways.

Becky said...

That's disgusting.